Wednesday, May 19, 2010

WHEN in needs


A friend in needs is a friend indeed. Goes the saying.

I could relate to that a few number of times.

I was really in need when I was studying in the teacher’s college.

The 150 ringgit allowance could not be stretched far for that month.

Telling my mum of my dilemma ,she could not help much  either.

Adoi.Macam mana. Puasa la nampaknya before the end of the month.

Kak, adik ada duit sikit. Tadi pi jual botol kat taukeh kedai.My youngest sister Bib  showed me a few coins that she had.She was just a kid. Collecting the sauce bottles and selling them were her job.

I still had wet eyes when I  thought of the scene. My little sister who was just 6 or 7  years old at that time . By the way,even now,she could be counted for any help. I was grateful for the help to my daughter when she was down with dengue in KL as well for the set of plates,glasses,carpet . Mak cik and pak cik are two kind souls yang tak berkira walaupun they are well heeled  people. Even tho berderet ijazah dibelakang mereka. I hope they are blessed all the way through their lives.

Also to my bil and his wife for being accomodating when we first set foot in KL.Rumahnya di Kampung Melayu Subang la yang kami lepak.And his wife would cook even tho waking up the wee hours of the morning.

And I too had high regards to my only brother. Sanggup jual saham to lend me for my wedding. Atas sifat nak tolong.Anda sanggup?

But not all ahli keluarga  are the same.Correct?

If you are unlucky you had siblings,pak and mak  menakan ke,adik beradik ke yang berkira taik hidung masin.

Yang berdengki dengan kejayaan saudara mara,anakbuah sendiri.

Yang hanya pentingkan keluarga sendiri  saja.

Yang melihat adik beradik  macam musuh.Yang sanggup membuat apa saja kalau hati disakiti.Even to the extent of the unthinkable.

SO this much I could say.

To my children,love your siblings as you love yourself.Yang tua jadilah tauladan,yang muda jangan melawan.Barulah aman sepanjang zaman.

For during your time in needs,who do you heed? Mereka juga !

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