Saturday, November 17, 2018

Nak makan apa ya...

Woke up to find a posting staring boldly on fb. OMG. Not again!
Hope the lovely couple find solutions amicably to their marital problems. I abhor ideas of washing soiled carpets in public via socmed. Please please for the sake of children growing up, tie up loose ends in private pleaseee.

Marriages it seem are not made in heaven always. When married you have to take the good,the bad ,the ugly in one package. Find ways to make the bad ,good. The good better. And eventually, time passes by. You sailed the rough seas successfully.Your family intact. Your children able to fend for themselves. Bravo. Kudos.You deserve a pat at the back if you are able to rough it out.

Sonny bonny over the ocean has his stay there extended. Supposed to pack his bag and bade gudbye to the land of curry massala today. Seems he be there until month ends. Stay safe abang. Must be missing Malysian food by then. As of now he has to be contented with hotel food .
Remembered my own experience with stay away from home ,years back. Those first few days ,we have to be contented with food from the Indian and Arab restaurants around the city. Sombong nak mamps waiter2 tu bila tgk kami. Tapi bila ada member yg boleh keluarkan credit card Visa kalau tak salah, amboi kalut depa layan... Haahaa...

haha... chocolate mouse..mousse kot yg betulnya.

pratha ka naan.. ntah

biryani purdah katanya...

comei no sia ni...

Barang basah semua dah habih. So no cooking today.Nak tapau. Nak delivery. Boleh saja.Or dress up and go out...

Thats all folks.

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