Friday, October 28, 2016

Friday talks..

Its Friday
The male folks of RBL are now at the mosque for their Friday prayers.

Been a gloomy day , is today.
Surfing the net,I came across news on the derailment of the KTMB trains the night before. And this resulted in today's train schedule gone haywire.
And so very tak seronok is my cucu will board the ETS to Kangar today!
Alahai pohim..

Then cikli called to tell that they will be travelling home in a bus and at Ipoh they will catch the ETS.
Tak tentu pulalah bila the trio will reach RBL.

And nak jadi cerita...bila buka paip air, menitis saja air yang ada.
Jadi terbengkalailah cita cita cikson nak masak lauk pauk harini...terpaksa beli lagi.

Macam macam cerita yang juga buat hati tak berapa nak happy. Kisah kebakaran HSA,menyentuh jiwa nurani. Tambah tambah akhir akhir ni,cikson banyak kali berkampung di hospital for one reason or another. Nurse dan doktor ramai yang kami jumpa. Dan sangat berhutang dengan mereka. Bukan fulus tapi jasa. Semoga mereka tabah dalam mendepani segala permasaalahan yang tiba.

I know when something untowards happen in your organisation,the pengarah would be the one to be to the forefront. Jenuh menjawab segala soalan. Dan sehingga pencen pun kalau ada isu yang timbul,SPRM dan pihak berwajib akan datang mengetuk pintu. Seen and been that.

Talking about SPRM,pegawai2 yang cikson jumpa masa berurusan dulu adalah mereka yang baik baik dan berbudi bahasa.

Sejak dua menjak ni,macam macam terjadi....


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