Monday, July 18, 2011

At the T-junction,which way you wanna turn,hey?


Did it ever occur to you ? Unsure of which way to go.

There comes a time when you were given an ultimatum. Make a choice.QUICK!

Last week I was called to the Dept…..The JPN I mean. There,the person whom I was supposed to meet was at a meeting.Thus I was handed a form to be filled without any briefing.

Borangnya adalah : Perlanjutan kontrak selama setahun lagi.

Hmmm,its quite a burden to make a choice.However easy it seems to be.

There were the few pros and cons that have to be weighed.

Could I stand the toll of teaching another year?Would I be granted the bill of health to take on the jobs ?

Tahun ini saja pun dah tercungap cungap nak menghabiskan hari hari yang dilalui.

Tapi bolehlah bertahan.Bertahan naik tangga hingga tingkat 4.Bertahan bercakap non stop to the kids.Bertahan dengan keadaan kelas yang bingit. Bertahan dengan school politics.And ……… gossips.OOOPs!!!

My school colleagues are very much my minor.Selayak dipanggil anakanak.Adik adik.And so far I have no problems .Infact they lighted my day.And the kids I am teaching are adorable.SWEET!!!

And the school admins too are reasonable with me. Taklah kerah tenaga tuaku sampai tak tercapai akal dan tanganku.

Hope it stands that way.

And cikli dah bagi greenlight……kalau larat,ambillah setahun lagi.

And next year my age would start with a big 6. BANG!!!


So,which way should I go?

Forward or retreat?


By tomorrow the decision would be finalised.

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