Wednesday, January 8, 2020
M for PM...breaking news
Still on world news
I heard it loud and clear
On ABC...
Australia Broadcasting Channel...
People are angry.
They voiced their anger unabashedly
They use the M word
It resonates of stupidity.
Their PM... is a moron! MORON!
How dare you call your PM a moron.
Same like our former PM. Pi melancung kat Hawaai masa negara diambang bencana bersaiz mega.Marahlah rakyat.
The notes above was written some days ago.
Today,I woke up to BREAKING NEWS. On CNN, Al Jazeera,ABC, BBC, and a host of other channels as well, the news is the same.
Iran has retaliates!
Two US army bases in Iraq were targeted by missiles.Rockets were fired from Iran it seems across to Iraq.
It has yet to be seen whats next... Uncle Sam's retaliation. The casualties etc etc.
Pray for peace everyone.
Lest we wake up to another ww...this time WW3.
Last night I watched a docu on Aljazeera.. Tophill people of the Golan Hill, the no man's land between Israel and Palestine.
I shudder seeing this.
Banyak benar honaq kat dunia ni...
When we have M for PM or Presidents.
Bila orang biasa moron tu biasa biasa.
Tapi bila dapat pemimpin negera moron, rosak dunia. Perang sana sini.Yang susah rakyat jelata, depa sihat sihat saja. Dapat suaka . Rakyat yang bertempiaran lari jadi pelarian .Nyawa jadi tak berharga. Hidup merempat dgn tiada apa2. Nyawa satu sen pun tak ada nilainya.
Hope we Malaysians are level headed. Menyayangi keamanan lebih dari segala.
On the news too last night.
Ada tawaran hadiah 300 juta . Dont know its in USD or otherwise. For someone's head. Adoooi. Sampai tegha tu no..
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