Thursday, June 27, 2019
If your day sucks....
Climbing up the flight of stairs to the 2nd floor of Klinik Pakar HSB, I was dumbstruck by the sheer number of people there. Oh wow!...Its filled to the brim and people got to queue up till the stairs.
Bergenuak oghang!...macam ulat teik,oh my.
Getting a parking spot too was an ordeal. Got to go in and out of the parking lots before I made my mind to gamble and park at the far corner of the field. Braving the mudded path, I inched my way to the near end of the space.
Mau hujan, geno nak keluaq...mau sangkut dlm lumpoq ni..I told myself and walked the distance to the hospital building.
Nak buat macamano makcik nooo,said one driver to me as we walked passed the row of cars on the dry tarmac.
Tawakkal sajalah. Minta2 tu matahari lah hari ni. I smiled and prayed too the same.
Finding a seat ,I took a breather from the madding crowd. Sounds of numbers being called and the chatter chitter of the conversations were deafening indeed.
Then a young girl caught my eyes. She smiled and I smiled back. Soon I overheard the family discussing about having the girl fro cataract operation.Poor girl. She's so young.
The family soon helped themselves to some kuih and the poor girl was seen coughing. Choking from the kuih,I presumed and there was no sign of drinks between them. I offered the family a packet of drinks purchased from the canteen earlier.
Boleh adik ni minum ayaq ni? I asked.
Boleh. Said the mum. Learning from past experience ,Its better to be careful when offering food to people. We do not know what allergies they have.
And when the wanted to make a move, the girl salam and kissed my cheeks on both sides. Anak gadis itu special. I fell for her.
Selamat operate ya dik.
A light feeling came over me amidst those maddening noise.
My day sucks. I was tired,hot and sleepy from that sleepless night. But the girl lifted my spirit. Those kisses on my cheeks from seorang anak syurga really made me wanna cry.
Today...I was again behind the wheels. After sending cikli to Kangar Hospital, I stopped at what seems like a mini carnival. I found those pants that I had hunted far and near. Keluar masuk kedai cari seluar gitu. Yang ada getah kelililing and tapered cut. Tak mau flare or too tight. Today I found it. Apalagi 2 helai sekali borong. Murah aje.RM 20.Pi kedai mau mark up sampai 50...
Yes, when you are down and tired ,small things matter.
Like a kiss on the cheek from a young handicapped stranger or getting that slack!
May Allah bless us always.
Bye. have a nice day folks.
My heart just glows after reading this post. So happy for you. Happy weekend dear madam.. :)
ReplyDeleteHappy weekend Sha.. baru makcik baca balik back post and nampak ni. Teringat balik that incident. Been wondering about that girl. She's such a sweety.