Monday, December 17, 2018
when the sky is gloomy...
The weather these days up north is unpredictable.
Woke up to a gloomy sky.
Funny seems why there's no crowing of the chickens this morning as usual.
Everything seems so quiet.
The wind sometimes blows strongly, shaking the leaves of the barren guava tree.
Last night before retiring for the night, I came across discussion on the safety of internet banking. The bank in question seems to be under attack from hackers and customers money is compromised. Hope everything is rectified and the poor man's money in it is safe.
Semuanya nampak goyah sekarang... aduhai.Facebook pun berdepan dengan kemungkinan denda berbillion tau kerana data dan gambar2 yg di cerobohi.
The exodus of frogs jumping to cross the road some like to put it that way seems the order of the day. Politically correct but morally in correct says some. This amounts to cheating the people who vote for the mps. Ya laaa... susah 2 kau keluar mengundi, hoo hoo hoo haaa,tiba2 wakil kau paling tadah. Its an interesting scenario to watch these days. Anyway, whatever is happening right now wont change the expectation of the populace at large...Kami mahu pemimpin yang bersih rasuah, kleptokrasi ,racist dan segala macam kontradiksi. Kami mahu yang berhemah, bijak, ada prinsip.
Rusuhan di Peranchis juga jadi breaking news masa ni. Cukai yang tinggi, unemployment, pembahagian harta yg sangat2 tak seimbang antara penyebabnya. Maka banyak harta benda jadi sasaran kemarahan. Hilang seri Arc de Triumph .
Sonny bonny khabarnya akan ke India se tahun. Tiga minggu pun dah ibu berdebar hati.Masa dia disana tempoh hari, typhoon Gaja ke namanya membadai Bangalore. Risau kita. Semoga pemergian dia kali ini dirahmati,dilindungi Allah swt.
Sejuk sunggoh pagi ni.
Minta2 tu keluarlah sang mentari menyinar hari. Kain dijemuran susah nak kering kalau lagu ni. Jangan2 ada yang tak mandi sehari..
Malaysia kiranya masih tenteam...
ReplyDeleteAmiin. Alhamdulillah.