Saturday, September 29, 2018
What a day it was,what a day it will be..
Last night, my sleepy eyes were forced to remain awake.
At a few minutes past eleven which was past my bedtime, I was still watching tv with much anticipation.
Dr. M will be delivering his speech at UN after 15 years.
Managed to watch the first few minutes but drowsiness took over me..Had taken a mug of milo before this. Hence the sleepiness. Milo is my drink if I couldnt catch my sleep..
Cikli was watching the speech keenly and clapped hard when it was over. Praises for Dr.M who was sharp and witty as usual.
Ha..macam ni lah orang bagi speech. Though the voice may waver,but in all circumstances , we are proud to have a leader of your caliber .In term of speaking your mind ,you dont mix your words.
Long before, I used to leave everything and paid undivided attention to his speech on tv.Kedahan are known for their chenge outlook. We speak our mind. And I like honest, straight without those sugar coating.But not amounting to rudeness.
And this morning watching that video of a manager scolding her staff, I was speechless.
Adoiii...cenge tak berlagu lagu ni. This is a no no for me.
Dealing with staff during my office, I met a wide range of characters. Some needed reminding but reprimands were done in the close proximity of the office. Behind close doors. Opening their minds to their potentials was a better way to bring up their performances. Scolding and shaming is not for adults...I presumed.
That tsunami has struck the island of Sulawesi was also in the news late last night. Footages of the waves ravaging the island appeared on fb after 7.7 magnitude earthquake. Pray for them.
Today... yet another news in the making.
Apalagi kalau bukan PRU Port Dickson. Harini hari penamaan calon. Katanya sampai 8 calon calonnya termasuklah seorang yg tak disangka sangka. So unsangkarable.
Ada lagi kau ye... tapi dah gemooooklah. Muka pun dah tembam.Apa la agaknya ada dalam otaknya .As for me, this character should lay low. Buat malu Malaysia saja.
Hope not to see his face on tv this penamaan calon.
There,there...from across my living room,Astro Awani is blurting the news that he is sah bertanding.
So much to see and devour these days.
Thats all folks. Bye.
Kalau sidia itu menang, apakah akan ada perubahan agaknya? Kan Cikgu? Saya tak tahulah siapa akan mengundi dia...