Friday, January 12, 2018


Berlapang dadalah bila terpaksa melalui kehidupan yg mencabar...sedikit or otherwise. Maka kesulitan yang dihadapi pasti boleh dilalui dengan tenang. Jangan ghoplah kata orang Kedah.

Bila berlapang dada dan berserah maka kurang lah sedikit keberangkalian utk mengambil dadah.
Terbaca tentang apa yang dihadapi oleh FK. Tertanya tanya apa dah jadi dengan dia. Aku suka tengok lakonan dia ,Mula 2 aku tonton lakonannya aku rasa he got style. Cerita Legenda Budak Setan aku tonton semuanya.
Semoga dia tak apa apa..

Biar cuma entah apa apa picisan ini
Yang penting  elakkan dari  darah mendidih lagi
Dengan segala keterpaksaan yang perlu di lalui.
Semoga sabarrrrrrrrrr melalui rencah hidup setiap hari
Sampai satu masa dia akan berhenti... itu pasti.

Farid ..your ad on tv with chemad ,makcik suka sangat.
You look so loving to your children n wife.
Kenapa nak..akhirmu begini? Semoga kau cepat keluar dari kemelut begini.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Sometimes..all the times..

Once again in that warm January afternoon,I found myself ' tersenguk senguk' waiting in the cold room of HTF.
For 2 hours I was there, privy to matters pertaining to minor operations. So to say.
Sakit apa?
Tunggu sapa?
Were some of the questions poured over me.
di sini aku menanti

Cik or was it Puan,
Pi ke bangaunan B, bahagian pendaftaran, bayar ,lepas tu mai balik sini.
Pakcik,masuk dalam,tukar baju... I heard the nurse saying as I was leaving.

So through 2 blocks of buildings,I marched and found myself at the registration counter. After that marched back to the room where I came from.

Waiting...and a 'tak berhenti bercerita' wanita was at my side. Jenuh melayan cerita. When she was done ,I was the only waiting.
Eventually cikli was done too.
I thought, the aftermath of the minor op would make cikli dizzy or what not.
You tunggu sini,said I before marching to the pharmacy in the next building. Deposited the chit and waited. Before I could catch my breath, my number was called.
Cik,ni panadol. Makan bila perlu.
Marched back to where cikli was.
Then it was 4.30 pm. Melawat time.

Nak pi juga ka... I was worried that cikli was unable to make the walk to yet another building at the other side . Jauh ni. Naik tangga lagi.
Alaaaaah.. You ni. Semua tak boleh. I tak dak apalah. He was adamant to walk although just a second ago he was out of the operation room.

Not wanting to make a scene,I followed. It was rainy too and we briskly walked past block B, up 2 flights of stairs and made our appearance at one of the rooms in Block C. That was quite a distance.

Until ushered out by the jaga, we went home.

Then... mengucap saja dalam hati sambil tangan menonyoh mop atas lantai yang sebelum tu dah ku mop sebelum keluar rumah.
Once again...
Sabarrrrrrrrrrrr sajalah. Kalau aku komen lebih,mau menjadi ni...

Thats all folks..
Hope everything is fine today. wish
All the dont.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

WW... macam macam ada

kalau di suruh teka apa kegunaan beg ni,tentu mudahkan..

rasa rasanya apalah cikson letak dan simpan dalam ni. Certeka..



Ni isinya.

alat bertukang cikson...hihi

taklah lagi dok cari mana mertun,mana playa, mana skredreba...ya tak ya...

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Child prodigy...

These few days ,cikson came across a few stories about child prodigies. The latest being that of Adam. I was impressed by his deep knowledge of aircraft and piloting. Another was of a two year old who could recite 42 surah. By the way Adam is 5 going 6.

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Throughout my teaching years,there were few time I came across gifted children. Many of  whom became successful adults. One of whom could wire  street lights with stop look go during a class project. Another could tell about countries without fail. Tanyalah negara entah berantah mana pun dia tahu. Encyclopediae are his story books which he diligently pored over during class intervals.

Bertuah ibubapa yang dapat anak anak bertuah ini. But many failed in their tasks to bring the best in their children. And soe succumbed in their path to adulthood.

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Watching ninasandaq children ,I came to the conclusion that one of them is a genius. Walau dia binatang berkaki empat tapi akal dia...hoooi excellent.
That is Teh.
Macam macam lah dia ni. Dari kecil lagi dah tunjuk hebat. Bila ada kesempatan dia yang dulu menerebos masuk ke dalam rumah. Dan dia yang last meninggalkannya. Pandai dia main sembunyi . Tengok mata kita ,dia tahu tujuan kita. Dia juga yang mula aksi panjat memanjat pokok kelapa dan ranting kemboja. Mok and Bu jadi follower saja.

Ralit tau tengok aksi depa..
Which made life a little bit easier,merrier.

And my thoughts wandered to my cucu in ibukota.

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Remembering his antics buat cikson berkesimpulan... didik baik baik insha Allah baiklah kemenjadian.
Latest... mummy dia kata dia tahu the word ' install' .
Install? Apa tu Fohim?
He likes to sing and would turn sentences into songs...his way.
But at present dia sedang menghadapi dugaan pertama.... masuk taman asuhan dan berjauhan dengan ayah,mama and toknya. Harap2 tu baik baik semua.

Thats all folks.. got to sign off. Bye.