Monday, August 10, 2020

the covidiots...

Just now I came across a new vocab...covidiots. Aha..covid idiots.

And last nights as I watched the news I saw quite a number of them.
Its compulsory to wear a mask in public. Yes,they condone to it. They follow it. As wear a mask they must if not.... RM 1k la jawabnya.
But why should they pull down their mask under their nose?
Dont they realise that its not only the mouth that could spread the virus but their nostrils too!
Breathing and talking could .
And if they sneeze, the deadly covid19 virus could be spread metres away.

Pakailah mask tutup lubang hidung and lubang mulut ya!

And there was this news about a young guy being booked for pulling the mask down his chin in an LRT station.
Ada yang marah pihak berkuasa yang saman budak tu.
Well...jangan kiralah sapa. Yang tak ikut peraturan ,saman saja.
Tak kira lah tua,muda, yang orang jalan kaki atau VVIP. Jangan pilih2.
Yang muda pun kalau tak diberi saman, mungkin ingat mereka terlepas dari tanggungjawab mematuhi SOP covid ni.

What if that very boy is an asyomatic eh that term about not having symptom . Mau ke jadi sivagangga?
The incident under the tent of the ER clinic is really a knee jerk.
Mau budak yang batuk sambil buka mask dia tu covid mamp**h semua oghang. Dahla Peghelih la ni oghang dok kalut bab covid ni. Gitu juga pompuan yang batuk masa kat kedai makan di Kola.
La ni musim batuk sana sini.

Pagi ni LGE kena tuduh kat mahkamah Bworth. Minta2 tu penyokong dia patuhilah SOP . Jaga penjarakan, pakai mask dan bawa hand sanitiser.....

Jangan jadi covidiots ya.
Bimbang makcik.

bagaimana memakai facemask 

salah lagu ni...
Thats all folks. Stay safe ya.

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