Monday, January 22, 2018

Of hospital visits and traumas.... at the eye specialist centre HSB

Anak kecil itu meraung raung. Raungannya memenuhi segenap ruang menunggu sempit klinik pakar mata.
Kenapalah agaknya dia...bisik hati
Well... the child was one of the patient needing specialist care for his eyes.
I was a few chairs away from the family trying to calm down the wailing child.

Then I came to know why..

Gam 2 second rupanya
Gam 2 seconds ? Apa dia?

I recollected browsing DIY that day and bought one . It was super glue and it takes a second to glue. Ans its super fast. Got to taste its fastness on the skin when I was trying to fix a hook onto the wall. It takes troubles to clear it away and its painful.

So just imagine it if its in the hand of a child!
Super seriuos ,I tell you.
Especially so even if a tiny drop of it enters the eyes. Gila!

So parents be wary. Keep away those gum out of reach of your children or anybody's children for that matter.

Accompanying cikli for his scheduled visits to the eye specialist centre brought me face to face with aneka ragam penyakit mata.Ada buatan manusia .Ada yang dah ditakdir hendaknya.

There were many cases of eyes being swollen because of allergics. So were cases of contact lenses.
But mostly because of diabetes.. Yes majority of case are diabetes.

There was one case of splinters from  grass cutting.

Tapi case dari gum uhu,gam gajah dan gam super glue itu dan terkena anak anak sangat kesian. Pada anak lah. Pada ibubapa yang lalai ...hai entahlah...Mau ku tembak saja dengan senapang gajah!

Thats all folks. My bebel for today
Hope everything fine . Please,please keep your home safe for children.

On that note.... abam Fahim and lil babe will be coming shortly. Have to make RBL safe for them..
Bye jambangan bunga atas meja. Bye to pinggan mangkuk atas divider...

Good Monday to all..bye.

Some examples of superglue...berguna tapi awas bahaya.
googled picture

googled picture

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