Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Ninasandaq 's here... slamat berpuasa .

Hi people. Its Tuesday once again. Yehaaa... time for Nina to take to the kb...keyboard.

There were a flurry of activities these few days. With cikson being more than busy. Like every homeloving wifey,its upon her to take the lion's share of the household chores.

I saw her cutting,piecing together the fabrics she bought at Jakel KL for a new set of  sarung kerusi makan. Shreeeet,shriiiiit bunyi mesin tu bila cikson tekan motor dengan kakinya. And her fingers gingerly ran the fabric on the machine.

At last all was back to normal when she closed the machine for good.And a sparkling new set of dining chair baju raya was born. Nak tau,tahun ni cikson dapat baju raya  aum aum aum...dia kata dulu2 dia pakai baju2 macam tu. La ni dia dah lama tak bling bling.Sejak dia pencen kurung saja dia buat. Raya ni anak dia beli satu set kat Jakel. From head to toelah..
Amboi dia. But she didnt do any shopping for us. Teringin nina nak pakai baju kebarung pahang la. Siap selendang. Haha... macamana tu kalau cikson jait baju tu nanti kat nina and Tam. Tentu syok nooo.

Good idea Nina. Cikson quipped.

Back to cikson's daily activities. Boringla.Asyik2 kat rumah. Tapi cikli seronok wei. That day he got invited to join the iftar with the loyals of Perlis. Wah..And he had been breaking fast a few time with his Ajks what not.Today,he is out as early as can be. Ada function lagi katanya.Sakit sakit dia pun ,tak duduk diam...ish ish.
kad jemputan

buka puasa di Putra Regency.
Alahai banyak pula bebel bab 2 orang tua tua. Ni nak cerita bab anak anak nina pula.

cikson.................oooooo cikson

bu n lang


All 3 of my latest babes are fit and running the whole backyard of RBL. These cuties will disappear at the voice of cikson. Tapi dgn cikli depa suka, Macam pak angkat depa. Nina nak depa panggil cikli tokwan.

Thats all folks. Bye. Selamat Hari Raya..

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