Tuesday, April 7, 2015

telling their stories melt my heart away...the friendly bulus

Come Tuesday,I make a point to write about my four legged friends.Those stories about Ninasandaq and Pong which at the present moment fill the void in my life.Then they were Luna and Cik and the elusive persian cat .The neighbours cats too would prowl RBL's ground to court the lady cats .Watching their antics were like watching a roll of Discovery documentary.Free of charge.Right in front of my eyes.

Nina,Pong stop it....would be my daily exclamations on top of the voice.Nina and Pong like to race among themselves.Banging into chairs,baskets of flowers or even the walls.
Hoooi....kepala buat dari batukah? I hollered when seeing them not having a care and banter about the house.
Keluar bilik masuk bilik nina kejar pong.
Kedepong kedepang bunyi benda berjatuhan.

mama nak turun macamana ni... tolong
Laaa...its cleaning and bathing time!
Ninasandaq was trying to give pong the long neglected bath.
Nina,Pong dah besar lah.She can take the bath on her own.
Telling that to nina will be met with blank stares from her.
Mamason apa tau.Anak besaq pun kena bagi mandi.Dia ni malas mandi.Tu yang comot sampai gini.
Soon I saw nina playing somo with her only daughter.Riuh rendah suara mereka.
diam....mandi kena hari hari
Pong ,the soft spoken anak dara of a cat still likes to play.She is a friendly soul.Watching her playing with Cik was my favourite past time .Even the chickens are her friends.
Pong,dok buat apa tu..I hollered when I saw her crouching on the ground,eyes intent on the fowls.Then she would gleefully pulled a trick on them.Bertempiaran lari mencicit ayam ayam tu dikejarnya. Riuh rendah suasana RBL dengan gelagat mereka.

Bosan...dia cari bahan utk hibur hati.Cebisan kertas,tudung botol,kertas plastik semua jadi mainan.
Namapk saja pembungkus plastik,bak ahli gymnastic dia cuba memasuki.
kat sini tentu mama tak dapat cari....hehe

Eh pong...nak masuk Asia Got Talent ka?
Boleh dapat 4 stars ni...kata cikson memberi motivasi.

Dulu dulu cikson ketawakan orang dok sembang dengan kucing.....ambik kau sekarang ni dah kena batang hidung sendiri.

lega dok atas ni...senang nak survey

mama....turunlah..Kita nak nenen.
This morning Pong is nowhere around.
There's none of her soft purring and the heaving of her small body on my feet...
Come on Pong,dont play hide and seek .Hope she is not gone missing...


  1. Kucin Marina yang nama Tommy pon suka dok main dalam plastic....baru semalam saya tengok dok kerekot dalam plastik BATA! Marina sebut diri dia "kakak" kat kucin tu! Nak gelak pon ada!

    1. Uncle,
      kucing2 dirumah pun semua jadi anak dan adik.Cikson pun jadi mama mereka.Yg tak ada jadi tok dgn wan saja.Gelihati juga.Marina tentu punya sifat penyayang.
