Monday, December 29, 2014

Breaking News...breaking hearts

At this moment in time,the tv is tuned to CNN and sometimes to other news channels.
And my heart goes down in sorrow.

Somewhere in the world,passengers of a ferry are being rescued from a burning vessel.
Somewhere in Indonesia,a plane is missing.And Malaysia isnt spared the agony. 49% of it.
And everywhere in our own soil,people are battling severe weather.The loss and damage terrifying in some places.

Even from the comfort of my home,spared the adversity of the heart breaks.

Tapi bila baca kebodohan orang orang yang  cerdik my heart breaks even more.

Orang cerdik yang bodoh....banyak sekali.Tengok berita,baca cerita.

Semoga semua ini tamat segera.Dan kita dapat kembali pada hidup  normal semula.
Tahun many breaking news and so many broken hearts.

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