Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Kecoh pagi pagi

Robin Williams meninggal.?
Terbayang watak lawak dia dalam filem filem dia.
Bunuh diri ? Why?
Depressed? nampak riang ria sentiasa melalui watak watak dia pun kena depression ...aduhai.
adakala mcm nak menyorok saja
Nina pun depressed sejak duduk RBL.Selain rindu Mok dan si ekoq tupai ,nina rindu damai no.7.Disana nina rasa selamat bila keluar rumah.Tidak macam disini..Kelaur saja dari tingkap RBL ,nina berhadapan dgn si hitam perut boyot.Nama bukan main.Luna wei....tapi cenge nak mam.....Nampak saja kelibat nina,dia macam naik minyak kejar nina sampai tak cukup tanah.Macamlah kita nak rebut anak anak dia atau laki dia...

ni si tam anak luna....amboi

rindu lah pada depa di no 7.

tidoq lebih baik

This morning ,nina dah di suruh keluar rumah.Tak semput nina nak memerut,si Luna dah terhendap hendap .Cepat cepat nina masuk balik dalam rumah...
Dan lepas tu sakit perut datang balik...
Hey....nak buat macamana ni.
Last last nina panjat katil cikson....
Secepat kilat cikson angkut nina dan humban keluar rumah....

Riuh rendah dengar suara cikson mengalahkan guruh semalam.Lepas tu dia cuci semua cadar katil dia ....

Wei....nina nak balik no 7...hantarlah nina balik.Biar nina dok luar rumah dgn Squirrel pun tak apa.Disini APTB saja.
Naik atas meja cikson hambat turun
Naik atas katil,cikson tak bagi muka

Nak keluar dihalaman depan si Luna bermaharajalela
Nak keluar ke belakang...ayam ayam ni pula kata kawasan mereka.Mengada.

the cock that cries kooook kooo oooook.Banyak ooo bini dia.
So how ?
Kecoh saja pagi pagi lagi....



  1. You are back updating your posting. This is good news.

    This time I must be honest to say that I do not understand this particular entry. There are too many names and abbreviations I cannot figure out. On top of that you use dialogue uncommon to me. How I wish you use your English which you are good at - or straight literary Malay. But dont't worry. I'll come again.

  2. Well in my humble opinion ( if not the most honest) a blogger will choose to depict her opinion in the way she is most comfortable with. True, reading other's blog will give us insights of her thoughts and opinion, but it is an honest truth too that we shall respect the way she writes as that it what makes her, her. It is like visiting someone's home and we don't fancy the house adornment and knick-knacks of the house but we are not going to ask the owner to change and rearrange it, arent we?
    Sometimes, it will be just nice to enjoy it as it is. ;)

  3. but I do agree with Al Manar though..he he
