Saturday, January 25, 2014

What's Up...who's there on my roof

It was in the still of the night when something woke me up.

rat a tap tap....came the sound on the ceiling

Hey....apa tu...
The sound went dead for a moment..Something heavy was walking on the ceiling!

Cikli...ada  benda atas ceiling...
I ran out of the room towards the kitchen.Got hold of a broom and ran back to the room.I was ready for any eventuality.
I hold the broom upright.Ready to strike the intruder lest he came rushing thru the opening on the ceiling.

I waited...

Hoih....shouted cikli.

It was a tense five minutes.I was imagining the ni kan macam macam dok jadi.

Nothing happened.The intruder may had second thought.
I opened the dining room lights and let it be until subuh.

Ala....bapa kucing kuning agaknya.Hero kampung dusun tu memang tengah dok usha ninasandaq.With that in mind I went to sleep.Rising to the call of the azan.

Haha....ingat nak sejuk gedi harini....tak dak apa pun....


  1. Teringat arwah mak saya masa saya kecik2 dulu
    Rumah kami rumah atap rembia
    Kadang2 terdengar bunyi keset keset kat atap.. Arwah mak selalu cakap.."kak ti.. Kesianlaaa kat kami.. Janganlaaa korek2 atap tu. Nanti bocor rumah kami kalau hujan"
    Sebaik mendengar rayuan arwah mak, bunyi terus berhenti.
    Best dan rindu ingat waktu itu.

    1. kenangan bersama orang tersayang tentu tak boleh lupa..
      Semalam mmg cikson rasa gerun habis..mau betul2 orang ...tak tau apa nak kata.

  2. Rumah Mak Tam saya kat lorong titi siam di alog setaq dulu. Bila pi tidoq sana mata saya dok klip-poq...klip-poq.....bila rhgetapi lalu, habeh bergegaq satu rumah! Hahahahahaha.....that was back in the 70's!

    1. tu dia aih...lama dah no.La ni ada lagi dak rumah Mak Tam tu.
