Monday, January 20, 2014

The stalker

Hoi apa dok ndap tu...said I when I saw  bushy tailed was looking outside through  the glass panels of the window.He was a still figure on the top of the plastic cabinet.Eyes intent.Face intent...

Nak keluar ka? I enquired.

Outside the birds were chirping merrily on the tree and the wire lines.Their tweets making a beautiful tune early in the morning.

Squirrel was still there even after more than an hour...peeking.But the birds had flown away.Only ciktam and her soot like son was outside...

Oh ngendap ciktam ye....

Funny tau tengok anak ganteng ekor panjang asyik dok terhendap hendap.Nak keluar kecut perut.Sikit punya gangster bapa kucing warna kuning.Anak siapa lah dia.Pagi pagi dah sampai belakang rumah ciklicikson.

Dah jemu squirrel merengek kat makcik nak keluar....ikut pintu depan...

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