Thursday, January 2, 2014

Down memory lane....first day of school thru the eyes of a retired GB.

Today is the first school day for the states observing weekends on Sat-Sunday.And the second for those otherwise.Johor has also joined the bandwagon switching her weekends to Fri-Saturday.

I had my days as  a student starting year one long long ago in a town infamous during insurgency...emergency just 4 years after the proclamation of independence.Remembered my GB who was a stout woman in her 50's.Cikgu Bee was her name.We didnt have that so called orientation or something near that.Remembering the first day of assembly and bewidered at the turn of events for the day.My tok ...tok orang pun.. was the one who ushered me to the school on the first day.I didnt cry and settled well for the day..Coming home  full of stories .

And in my term as an English teacher I was under the supervision of numerous HM and HMistresses.A few of those I could envision quite fondly.One being my first HM in the remotest part of Selangor...dah pun namanya HULU...One effervescence young man.Cikgu Mokhtar was the one..Nothing bad .

And the one whose memory will forever linger in my mind was Mr.Jayaratnam.Feared by teachers and students alike.No hanky panky work by get it there and then.But I felt safe under his admin.he would stand for his teachers if he felt they were in the right.He knew where to scold and where to motivate.The last time I heard he was in Sabah...

I dont know how my teachers perceived me as their supervisor...we may not be able to be in everybody's book.When I joined SKRPB as an MBMMBI teacher,one of the staff was my former teacher..And she commented that I was ke..You no business is my business..

GBs or Hms not to be feared.But to be looked as the one who who will guide,motivate ,correct and be the leader of the pack.Dont rule by divide.Dont have any tu org tu saja yang kita nampak.Be fair...and to be fair you have to know what stuff your staff are made of.Dont be afraid ..walau kadang kadang memang kita takut .

Actually...beratus cerita sebalik gelaran GB walau boleh dibilang tahun menyandangnya.And I was one grateful HMistress ....diberi Allah berpencen dgn segala kemudahan dan kebesaran.Many thanks to SK Sena for the grand exit...bye bye.Until now when I look at the presents ,the video and the pictures...I realised I was one lucky lady..

Hehe...mana cerita first day of school tu..Nanti ya.

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