Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Nina Sandaq ,YB .

Of all the cats ,here in the home of mr. and mrs ley ,Ninsandaq is above the others.If Mok,Jade ,Tam and Squirrel resigned to the fate of being assigned to the backyard...ninasandaq does not.She wants to be given the freedom to run free in the house.She wants to lie comfortably anywhere she fancies.

Sometimes we ,the homo sapiens of no.7 relented and open the door for her with a stern warning:

Nina,jangan dok melepas sana sini tau!
To which she replies .......

At mealtime,she's always near cikli's feet.Eyes as if begging:

Mintalah apa kiranya secubit ikan goreng to abahli hoooi.
Cikli will drop a few pieces of fried fish now and then much to the consternation of mamason.

La,baghu tak sat I mop lantai..kotoqlah balik....but ninsandaq pays no heed to her complain and continues with her rezeki.

Cikli pay no heed to mamason's grumbling neither.He chucks another piece of the fish.

Ooooooooooiiiiiiiiiieooooow...she mumbles louder and louder..
At first we couldnt decipher the noise she made but one day I asked:

Nak bagi baby ka...meaning the kitten at the backyard.I picked up the piece and opened the door.Without hesitation,she joined them .Licking the kitten as it ate the piece of fish.A look of satisfaction on her face. 

Boleh jadi wakil rakyat kalau macam tu. ....YB ninasandaq !

sweet and innocent
masa remaja
dah jadi mak bonda


  1. Mamason
    Samalah kat sini. Hanya sekor kucing aje yg dibenarkan keluar masuk dalam rumah while the rest stay put outside. Memang kesian bila mata redup aje mengecek masa tuan rumah sedang bersantapan. Sah diam2 tangan menghulur kebawah meja (dan I akan cakap I baru mop the floor..hehe).

  2. CS
    Boleh buat drama kan...ninasandaq dengan mr.ley cukup kamcing.Terhibur kdg tengok aksi mereka...tapi naik hangin pun ada.
