Friday, May 6, 2011

English carnival 2011….TTulang.


It was slotted for 27th April.Then we received an SMs noting the change in the date. 5 was the number  registered in the head. 5 for the month or was it for the date…?

And …..It was a day when I could not get my sleep the night before.I woke with a head spinning around faster than the spinning wheel.Furthermore,the toil of the three days journey was making a mark.To top it up,I took the task to complete the costumes for the boys.Making appliqués of lollipops and mr.sun on the t-shirts till the clock struck twelve.

It was a shock to me when the moment I arrived at the teacher’s room,I got the news that the actual competition would be that very afternoon!

Hooo hooo, tons of work to be completed.Dress rehearsal,parents to be informed of the change in the time ,food to be catered,transport  etc etc etc etc.

Lucky me.Being in a school where co operation is high….everything fell into place smoothly.Thanks to Yani,Zura,Ita,Faizah,Zaid and  ustaz Sirhan and ust.Zaki of the school.I was indeed indebted to them for their support.Without them I doubt we even have a team.

Though we didnt get any number,the children did quite well.Rasanya inilah pasukan sekolah yang terdiri dari murid tahun 1,2 dan 3 dan juga murid pemulihan.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         uniy …tahun 1

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         mr.lollipop takut senyum


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         winning team

By the way,our mr gingerbread man did come out third in the story telling .

For the children …hope their love for English would grow and their experience on the stage be confidence booster .Bukan macam teacher mereka dahulu yang gigil kepala lutut bila kena panjat tangga pentas.! hehe.

So sorry….gambar atas stage pula blurrrrrrrr saja yang dapat.

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