Wednesday, February 23, 2011



Went to the Spg 4 regional sports meet at Sungai Sanglang this afternoon. Incidentally,the GB of the host school was my former good mate.So we had some exchange of news and who’s who and who’s where.

Heard that there seemed to be an enormous change of admins of schools.GB of Isketambola is now in Isketambatoo.And the former Isketambatoo is now in somewhere else.And so on and so forth.

However,wherever one is directed to be transferred Perlis is a small state and travelling daily isnt as difficult.Formerly,I used to take 4 to 5 minutes to school but now its over half an hour.Where I normally started my day at 7.15 ,now it has to be before 6.50.

Tapi yang tak akan luput dari ingatan adalah semasa KBSR mula mula diperkenalkan.As a Key person for a core subject,I had to be mobile 4 days in a week.So jenuhlah makcik menjelajah segenap ceruk rantau Perlis ni menjaja dan membantu guru guru BI dalam P&P.Dari utara  hingga PB dan selepas habis tugas terus masuk Thailand. Jalan berbukit,jalan batas band digagahi.Lurah dituruni laut diseberangi…ewah exaggerate dah tu

Sometimes my presence was welcomed but other times I guessed otherwise.Sometimes the assistance rendered was received cordially but otherwise I was sneered for being too knowing.

Tapikan walau sampai Bafuno Faso sekalipun dihantar ,ambillah kesempatan itu untuk meninggalkan jejak yang bertapak.Bukan tak ada terjadi,sebut saja namanya,semua sekolah garu kepala nak terima kehadirannya.

Dengar saja nama kita orang dah tahu betapa besarnya jasa kita … dengan gosip,dengan jadi mancis api,dengan jadi mesin fotostat.

Semoga tidak terjadi kepada anak anak mama.Biarlah brand yang kita bawa tu brand yang ada standard buka reject.

Eh eh apa la mama dok melalut ni.Its 11.11.Besok ….its a long day.

1 comment:

  1. Mamason,
    Isketambola and Isketambatoo sound so P Ramlee....har har har *evil laughs*
