Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Morayan @ postpartum?

The other day,I watched a drama featuring SR as a postpartum stricken mother. Akibatnya anak yang baru dilahirkan terpaksa dibela oleh nenek.Tragiknya bila sebab musabab nya adalah kerana perbuatan suami yang tak budget langsung bila nak tambah cawangan.Ada ke masa isteri dalam pantang ,boleh bawa isteri muda kat rumah!Biol betul!

Sepengetahuan saya( in my knowledge ) bukan saja perbuatan suami beralih kasih yang boleh menyebabkan seorang ibu yang baru melahirkan boleh meroyan,tapi  keadaan yang dilalui juga boleh mengakibatkannya.

I will never forget the day I was in hospital for my third baby. Actually I was fully prepared for the stay as I had prepared beforehand the bag of things necessary .The napkins( dulu mana ada pampers ) ,the towels ,etc etc in fact all are in a bag.For mum and baby. The letter from my school too was procured .Nak jadi cerita,my second girl was hospitalised and I yang tengah perut boyot inilah yang berkerikut di katil kecil hospital menemani anak yang ditahan diwad.Actually I was a few weeks away from my due date.

When were home after the second child was discharged,I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. And it grew stronger by the hour and then minutes.Kerana tak tertahan sakitnya,I was rushed to the hospital and I was told that it was time .Ha,terkejut baboon makcik. And without those sakit lama lama lahirlah seorang anak lelaki.Anak ketiga kami.See..senangnya.

Tapi peristiwa berikutnya memang mungkin boleh menyebabkan makcik jadi tak keruan. Well who knows.

Setelah selamat,makcik was whisked to the ward.And when asked to produce the letter of guarantee I could not.It was used for my second daughter’s stay in the hospital.As a result ,I was whisked to the third class ward. Tahu sahajalah treatment kat wad kelas tiga. Semua nampak tak mesra.Dan nak mengharukan cerita,pakli tak dibenarkan masuk jumpa makcik .So bagaimana? I was without any thing except for the clothes on my back.And my baby too was without any napkin,shirt except for the one from the labour room.Adalah seorang nurse cuba hubungi pakli tapi she could not get through.Jadi malam tu makcik hanya berkain yang lencun dengan .. you know what. Dan anak makcik pula basah dengan kencing.

Besok time melawat baru pakli nampak muka. I ask him where he was.Where were all my bags which I put in the car. Katanya apa :

Ala nak buat apa bising .You dah selamat .Ok lah tu.I gave the things to the nurse.

Dah nurse yang ‘baikhati’ boleh simpan barang itu semua kat meja depan.Tingkat bawah!Stupid.

Mujurlah masa tu I dapat anak lelaki.Kalau lah anak ketiga juga anak perempuan,I might  assume that pakli saja buat macam tu  kerana tak dapat hajat dihati… untuk anak lelaki.Well we have 2 girls already.Kalau tidak,maybe I dah meroyan time tu kerana hati yang sangat sayu tidak diperendahkan semasa dalam keadaan itu.Imagine sleeping in the cold ward in a sarong full of blood. And the napkin the baby boy wore was wet .And I dont have a single thing with me.Even a toothbrush or a cup.Dan nurse nurse di situ membebel kononnya I was silly coming to the hospital without preparation.Nobody visited me that night because the third class ward was out of bound to visitors.

Sekali sebelum itu  I was tested when I had a miscarriage.

Syukurlah I managed to get through all those .Alhamdullilah.Amin.And I think it was because I always said to myself,I had seen worse days.Perkara seperti itu tak jadi hal.

Pesanan makcik pada kaum suami,jagalah isteri anda dengan baik semasa dia melahirkan.Take care of her physically and mentally.You never know the outcome of your dont care less attitude. Dah moroyan siisteri baru nak menyesal.

Tau macam mana  seorang isteri yang meroyan? Go google!


google picture…hanya hiasan

jgn gaduh gaduh la mak long

my first cucu penakan….comelkan.


  1. Ada suami yang suka kata isteri 'mengada-ngada'.. tapi sakit pening jerih payah yang ditanggung isteri, tak mahu langsung nak diambil tahu! Sedih...

  2. Kakcik,cuba depa yang sakit..tau pula nak belaian kasih messsssra segala.Alahai

  3. kesian nya mereka2 yg kena masuk 3rd kelas, kenapa layanan berbeza..memang tak patut tidak diberi pakaian salinan..mujur anak cikgu lahir dengan mudah.

  4. itulah hidup diukur dengan kelas.Kalau 1st class,senyum simpul saja layanan diberi.Kalau 3rd class ...hmm jangan haraplah.
