Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mons-ter-s@us : father uninformed


I too often came across families where father’s word is the autonomy. Mum is the word for a clean house,a scrumptious meal on the dining table.Well pressed shirts in the cupboard and no sawang in the awangan of the house.As well as no smelling of petai in the sparkling toilet.


But  sometimes as mothers : she’s the chittier ,the gossip monger,the plate breaker,the shirt spoiler.And the list could go on.Lest I forgotten:the loud speaker.


Mama ni,abah cool pun.Tak dak hal punya.


Lucky is the family if the father leads the household wise and sober.

But what if otherwise.

Porakperanda .I dare kata.


Tu yang pepatah ada mengatakan : Bapa borek,anak rintik.


How many times had I seen bapa bapa berkata : Biaq pilah kat depa.Itu pun mak hang tak kena.

Father  father , tolonglah,bekerjasamalah dengan isteri anda untuk kebaikan anak anak anda.

Her worries might be true,bukan merapu as a mother has the deeper instict.

Bapa bapa banyaklah membaca  buku about parenting,jangan dok terceruk kat kerusi ,baca paper,tak peduli anak dok lari.Atau keluar malam dengan kawan,minum secawan kopi,sembang sampai pagi.

Pernah dengar seorang bapa bertanya: Nak dok rumah buat apa?

Hei cik abang sayang : Ajarlah anak tu kerja sekolah,supaya besok answer tak salah,cikgu tak marah,anak tak bermasaalah!


Atau ini lebih lagi :

Dok menggatal nak berbini lagi! Benci.

Sorry lah kaum bapa,makcik laser petang ini.Bukan apa mengingat saja.Anak anak perlu perhatian anda semua.

Through the experience of a former teacher,GB  and ibu.Tapikan syukur Alhamdullilah,pakli saya bukan macam tu.Masa depan bukan kita yang menentu.

jgn ganggu lah

Dell,pi main jauh jauh.Papamok nak tidor. Malam ni kena kerja.

Jadi jaga.

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